Monday, August 16, 2010

A2 Hosting Offers Instant Merchant Accounts Internet Credit Card Processing 365

instant merchant accounts internet credit card processing 365
A2 Hosting, Inc. and e-online data are proud to provide you the highest quality Credit Card Processing and Payment Gateway services. They specialize in Merchant Accounts for Internet, Mail Order/Phone Order, Retail and Auction businesses. They have instant merchant accounts internet credit card processing 365. As soon as you submit your account to then with their user friendly Online Application, they issue your live Merchant ID instantly and your Search is done.

The advantages they offer are:
1) They accept all major Credit Cards
2) Instant activation of your Internet Certified Merchant Account
3) Real Time processing Payment Gateway
4) Virtual Terminal for key entered Mail Order/Phone Order sales
5) Integration to hundreds of shopping carts & software systems
6) eCheck Processing available
7) Online reporting and real time transaction management
8) All funds deposited into the checking account of your choice
9) American Express & Discover processing by request

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