Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Covering the Cost of Quick Credit Card Processing When Taking Donations

quick credit card processingGreg Adkins, a pastor from Powell knew the importance of helping people, especially children. However, financially supporting children overseas may be difficult for many. Generally, most programs ask $25-$35 a month to help the child, a price many cannot afford right now.

So Adkins had an idea to help fund children overseas. He thought about a Mother Teresa quote that had resonated with him: "In this life, we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love." This gave him an idea. Adkins said, "I thought, 'I don't know if I can get one person to give $25, but I bet I can get 25 people to give $1."

Adkins created a link to his blog where readers had the option to sign up with PayPal to make a month donation. He asked for a donation of $1.33 to ensure that the quick credit card processing fee of 33 cents would be covered. By doing this, Adkins was able to get enough monthly donors to sponsor two children. While some may not have the money to donate $25 a month, many can do $1.33, making this idea a great success.

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