Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mobile Phones Become an Instant Merchant Account Solution

instant merchant accountIn the next few months, many people will have the opportunity to play around to try to answer the mysterious question of how mobile phones can do business from east to west coast. The question; will shoppers be able to get rid of their plastic credit card and use their mobile phones as a “swipeable” method of payment.

Without having to carry a plastic card around will allow for a more secure way to carry payments around and have an instant merchant account. To get this process started, major phone companies like AT&T and Verizon are launching trial programs to see how this idea will work. Professor Hill from Wharton stated, "[Smartphones] have to be more convenient than credit cards, possibly cheaper and secure." She continued, “Of course, merchants will have to accept the proposed type of payment," Hill points out. "In order to get merchant buy-in, the new system will have to be easy to use and cheaper with respect to transaction fees and equipment compared to ... credit cards."

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Smartphones Enhance Instant Merchant Account

instant merchant accountBy now many have been made aware of the capabilities for mobile payments and an instant merchant account of smartphones. The technology has created a whole new world for payment processing and the ways in which transactions have completed. However, most of the major credit card companies are not too pleased with these mobile advancements.

For years there has been ongoing competition between the world of plastic payments and using cash and checks. While it is convenient to use credit or debit cards to pay, the costs associated with paying this way often create a dilemma. Now, with the mobile payments, many of these companies think it may be another product that could potentially lessen their profit.

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Instant Merchant Account Supplier Seeks Additional Services

instant merchant accountAn instant merchant account supplier, VSoft Corp. has announced that their new platform for improvement resolutions has connected with PMSC (PM Systems Corporation) to incorporate WebFederal3 Internet Banking platform.

"PMSC shares our strong commitment to enable today's credit unions to compete online with any financial institution," said Murthy Veeraghanta, chairman and managing director of VSoft Corporation. "Its virtual banking system is highly respected within the industry for its comprehensive services and user-friendly interface, which make it an excellent portal for our distributed capture solutions. Our relationship with PSMC is yet another way that we can improve service and maximize efficiency for the credit union industry."

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Services Provided for Instant Merchant Account

instant merchant accountLeap Payments, one of the best instant merchant account processing companies released information that they will be providing support for companies throughout the purchasing process. This is said to be one of the best services provided for credit card processing companies.

“We’ve found that businesses are fed up with their current credit card processor with support reps in foreign lands, victimized by endless telephone trees to find a qualified representative and monthly statements that they can’t understand,” said Will Detterman, CEO of Leap Payments. “Leap Payments wants to make it easy for business to accept credit cards online, in-store or at remote locations, which is why were are returning to old-fashioned client support with dedicated account managers in the U.S. who not only open the account but continue to support their clients with any request for the life of the account.”

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

FleetBroadband Allows Vessels to Access an Instant Merchant Account Via Internet

instant merchant accountOne of the top companies for giving advanced services for leading communication services, Stratos Global, has released information about their new program Inmarsat FleetBroadband. The services have been provides to seventy vessels for the Evergreen Marine Corp.

The FleetBroadband services from Stratos are vital on these vessels because they allow for the newest technologies to monitor productivity and use to possibly use instant merchant accounts via internet.

VP of Evergreen stated, "After a successful trial program last year, we discovered that FleetBroadband ensures peak performance for a wide range of business-critical applications.” He continued, "Our crewmembers also benefit from reasonably priced private email, which has helped maintain high crew spirits and productivity. The combination of service affordability and high performance convinced us to deploy FleetBroadband on our entire fleet."

Additionally, "Stratos completed installation on these 70 vessels in only three months. Efficient system deployment was made possible by Stratos' ability to provide a single source for installation, airtime and meticulous customer support - from Hong Kong in our local Mandarin language."

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Friday, September 10, 2010

Holiday Season Calls for Instant Merchant Account Services

instant merchant accountWe are less then four months away from Christmas, and the holiday season is quickly approaching. The commercials have begun and children already know what the “hottest” holiday toy will be. Advertising is in full affect. But in order to be prepared for the holiday rush, both businesses and customers alike need to be aware of their needs and limitations.

The economy is nowhere close to good, but children still expect toys under their Christmas tree. So, parents will line the stores and purchase gifts on borrowed money. Their credit card transactions are inevitable. Businesses need to be prepared for the overwhelming amounts of credit card purchases and invest in an instant merchant account service. Not only will this help customers balance their accounts more efficiently, it will ensure that business will receive payment in a timely manner.

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Friday, September 3, 2010

Security for Instant Merchant Services

instant merchant servicesDue to recent advances in technology merchants and instant merchant services providers can utilize the highest PCI-DSS level serves. Since all those partners with Centro Payment Gateway have access to the newest technology, many will benefit.

COO for Failsafe Payments said, “Failsafe Payments wants to give our merchants, and MSP`s, the comfort of processing their transactions securely and in a safe environment so they can focus on core business which are sales and customer support.”

PCI-DSS requirements prevent credit card fraud and heighten security measures associated with processing. COO, Patrick Sallnert continued to say, “Having the highest PCI certification goes well with Failsafe Payments very popular third party credit card processing product called eTicketsClub which enables an instant merchant account facility for Merchants."

President for Failsafe responded by stating, “Our PCI DSS Level 1 recertification demonstrates our adherence to the highest level of PCI Compliance and the commitment we maintain for safeguarding customer financial information.”

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