Thursday, September 16, 2010

Services Provided for Instant Merchant Account

instant merchant accountLeap Payments, one of the best instant merchant account processing companies released information that they will be providing support for companies throughout the purchasing process. This is said to be one of the best services provided for credit card processing companies.

“We’ve found that businesses are fed up with their current credit card processor with support reps in foreign lands, victimized by endless telephone trees to find a qualified representative and monthly statements that they can’t understand,” said Will Detterman, CEO of Leap Payments. “Leap Payments wants to make it easy for business to accept credit cards online, in-store or at remote locations, which is why were are returning to old-fashioned client support with dedicated account managers in the U.S. who not only open the account but continue to support their clients with any request for the life of the account.”

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