Friday, September 3, 2010

Security for Instant Merchant Services

instant merchant servicesDue to recent advances in technology merchants and instant merchant services providers can utilize the highest PCI-DSS level serves. Since all those partners with Centro Payment Gateway have access to the newest technology, many will benefit.

COO for Failsafe Payments said, “Failsafe Payments wants to give our merchants, and MSP`s, the comfort of processing their transactions securely and in a safe environment so they can focus on core business which are sales and customer support.”

PCI-DSS requirements prevent credit card fraud and heighten security measures associated with processing. COO, Patrick Sallnert continued to say, “Having the highest PCI certification goes well with Failsafe Payments very popular third party credit card processing product called eTicketsClub which enables an instant merchant account facility for Merchants."

President for Failsafe responded by stating, “Our PCI DSS Level 1 recertification demonstrates our adherence to the highest level of PCI Compliance and the commitment we maintain for safeguarding customer financial information.”

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