Friday, October 29, 2010

Creating Best Online Merchant Account Services

Another step is being made for the advancement in cellular phone technology. BilltoMobile recently released that they will be contracting with AT&T to provide their customers with a payment solution that allows customers to make purchases and get billed directly to their wireless account. This can be seen as one of the best online merchant account services that have recently developed.

Chief Executive Offices from BilltoMobile stated, "We're excited to collaborate with AT&T and offer their customers the benefits of a convenient, user-friendly mobile payment solution." He continued, "This form of billing is the logical next step in the e-commerce mobile payments landscape that BilltoMobile(TM) and our strategic investor, Danal Co., Ltd, have pioneered for the past several years."

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Services to Find A Best Rate Merchant Account

In 1989, CardSmart Merchant Services was established in Nevada. The mission of the company was to help customers locate a best rate merchant account. Finding the best rates for customers allowed them to generate profit, while providing vital services to their customers. As a result, the company found loyal customers that continue to use their services.

Remaining loyal to the company’s clients is another importance to CardSmart. As a result, the CardSmart Company makes promises to clients to help retain business. Recently, the business has begun to replace defective services without charging the customers any type of service fee. The hassle free replacement process helps to secure customer loyalty.

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Credit Card Processing for Fast Food Restaurants Are Vulnerable to Skimming

credit card processing for fast food restaurantsWhile credit and debit cards become more widely used, credit card skimming is increasingly affecting customers. More recognition and awareness to credit card fraud and theft has been made, but customers are still being plagued by credit card skimming.

Credit card skimming is a mechanism for accessing critical credit card information from a customer without even having to see the card. The owners name, the credit card number, security codes, and expiration date can all be revealed and then used for fraudulent purchases. Credit card processing for fast food restaurants seems to be affected most by these types of fraud because of the fast paced environment. Drive-thrus and out of site registers make the customer leave the card in the trust of their server, which can sometimes be detrimental and leave them with these fraudulent charges.

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Finding the Best Price on Merchant Accounts

best price on merchant accountsFinding the best price on merchant accounts can be a daunting task. There are many considerations that need to be taken into account, and several ways to go about finding the best credit and debit card processing service. Additionally, it is extremely important to read all that your contract entails. While one company may appear to be a better cost, there services may be minimal and not as good of a deal as you think.

The credit card processing providing business is a highly competitive business. With that being said, business owners should feel that they have room to bargain to ensure that they feel as though they are getting the best provider for the best price. Finally, using comparative internet sites to compare providers are a great source for finding a company. Utilize these sites and make sure you find what works best for your company.

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Instant Merchant Account Approval Can Lead to Overdrawing Your Account

instant merchant account approvalWhile having instant merchant account approval is great for purchasing items immediately, having instant access to your money may not be the best way to secure and safe guard your money. Additionally, having access to the account through ATM or debit card transactions, as well has physical blank checks, it is very easy to lose track of where the money was spent. This leaves you at risk for over drafting your account.

A Senior Financial Analysis from Bankrate stated, “Overdrawing your account is the financial equivalent of not being able to walk and chew gum at the same time.” He continued, “Anybody can overdraft once in a while, but sloppy habits are a one-way ticket to the poorhouse.” While this is an easy mistake, it can get costly. Therefore if you are opting to make payments in this fashion, keep a good eye on your spending.

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Instant Merchant Account Approval Ups Security Protection

instant merchant account approvalWith the introduction of debit and credit cards as plastic payment, they have allowed for the issue of null/bad checks to subside. Because of the instant merchant account approval, if the funds are not available for the purchase, it cannot be made. Additionally, these cards have been upgrading to new security measures that help to ensure the utmost protection. Credit and debit cards are now beginning to have embedded microchips inserted into the physical card so that when the card is swiped, an additionally personal identification number is needed.

However, with the introduction of the contactless payment, security measures may be lessened. Without having to enter a PIN or sign for the transaction may leave you vulnerable if the card is misplaced or stolen. It all boils down to your comfort level and how much security you think is needed to protect your money.

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Instant Merchant Account for Nonprofit Sector

instant merchant accountSage North America released that they plan to develop and provide more services to companies, especially those in the nonprofit sector through TechSoup Global. With the partnership, there will be additionally resources to provide donated products and technology through the online instant merchant account software.

"Our competitive pricing, excellent service and support, and robust product suite allow us to offer a best-in-class payment processing solution to nonprofit organizations," stated President Greg Hammermaster, for Sage Payment Solutions. "Through TechSoup, we can offer nonprofits and public libraries additional discounts, plus a streamlined application approach, making it even simpler and cost-effective for organizations to secure and take advantage of a merchant account."

VP for TechSoup Global, Roger Abraham said, “With the exponential growth of online giving over the past five years, the ability to accept donations by credit card is a critical tool in a nonprofit's overall fundraising strategy." He continued, "This new offer in Sage's TechSoup program gives nonprofits a chance to benefit from a solid merchant banking service with transparent fees and highly competitive rates. Ultimately, it's about nonprofits being able to retain a higher proportion of donated funds by paying less for a quality credit card processing service."

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Friday, October 8, 2010

Developments for An Instant Merchant Account

instant merchant accountIn 2004, PaymentMax, a company dedicated to providing businesses with an instant merchant account was created. Now, the company is applauding the incredible growth that has occurred. VP Max Payton stated, "The iPhone 4 credit card processing and droid credit card processing has enabled us to keep and maintain this momentum."

Currently, PaymentMax is supplying merchants with credit card processing services as well as POS terminals and cordless/mobile processors. Additionally, with the growth in processing payments via cellular phone, the company is working to develop more services for these devices. The current focus has been on development for the Android and iPhones, but they are interested in creating services for iPads and the latest technological devices.

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Veto to End Quick Credit Card Processing Service Charges

quick credit card processingWhile businesses are charging extraordinary fees to use debit cards, one Senator, Jenny Oropeza of Long Beach tried to put it to an end. In her bill, SB 933, merchants would not be allowed to charge their customers the fee of using a debit card. Lots of times, the cost of quick credit card processing increases the cost of the purchase forty to seventy cents. However, with the bill, these processing costs would fall into the hands of the credit card providers.

The bill may have been a fan to many shoppers, but was vetoed by governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. He believed that not allowing these extra service charges would ultimately make the business owner raise the initial price of items just to cover their fee. He said, “The burden of paying these surcharges should fall on those who use debit cards and not on those who choose to pay with another form of payment.”

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Friday, October 1, 2010

Quick Credit Card Processing Costs Reflect On Customers Final Price

quick credit card processingNew research pinpoints just how much customers are being charged for using their debit and credit cards. While it may just cost businesses a few cents per processing transaction, the customers are said to be paying significantly more. As a customer the fees amount when purchasing airfare, hotel rooms, concert tickets, etc. The total price adds up with all the amounting fees. On some occasions, the fee charges can wind up almost doubling the initial price of the order.

When retailers were asked why such high fees, they blamed the cost of quick credit card processing services. While businesses are able to generate business with online commerce, they are forced to only accept debit and credit cards. This is convenient for both provider and shopper, but the costs are getting to ridiculous highs.

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