Saturday, October 2, 2010

Veto to End Quick Credit Card Processing Service Charges

quick credit card processingWhile businesses are charging extraordinary fees to use debit cards, one Senator, Jenny Oropeza of Long Beach tried to put it to an end. In her bill, SB 933, merchants would not be allowed to charge their customers the fee of using a debit card. Lots of times, the cost of quick credit card processing increases the cost of the purchase forty to seventy cents. However, with the bill, these processing costs would fall into the hands of the credit card providers.

The bill may have been a fan to many shoppers, but was vetoed by governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. He believed that not allowing these extra service charges would ultimately make the business owner raise the initial price of items just to cover their fee. He said, “The burden of paying these surcharges should fall on those who use debit cards and not on those who choose to pay with another form of payment.”

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