Friday, October 15, 2010

Instant Merchant Account Approval Ups Security Protection

instant merchant account approvalWith the introduction of debit and credit cards as plastic payment, they have allowed for the issue of null/bad checks to subside. Because of the instant merchant account approval, if the funds are not available for the purchase, it cannot be made. Additionally, these cards have been upgrading to new security measures that help to ensure the utmost protection. Credit and debit cards are now beginning to have embedded microchips inserted into the physical card so that when the card is swiped, an additionally personal identification number is needed.

However, with the introduction of the contactless payment, security measures may be lessened. Without having to enter a PIN or sign for the transaction may leave you vulnerable if the card is misplaced or stolen. It all boils down to your comfort level and how much security you think is needed to protect your money.

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