Saturday, October 23, 2010

Credit Card Processing for Fast Food Restaurants Are Vulnerable to Skimming

credit card processing for fast food restaurantsWhile credit and debit cards become more widely used, credit card skimming is increasingly affecting customers. More recognition and awareness to credit card fraud and theft has been made, but customers are still being plagued by credit card skimming.

Credit card skimming is a mechanism for accessing critical credit card information from a customer without even having to see the card. The owners name, the credit card number, security codes, and expiration date can all be revealed and then used for fraudulent purchases. Credit card processing for fast food restaurants seems to be affected most by these types of fraud because of the fast paced environment. Drive-thrus and out of site registers make the customer leave the card in the trust of their server, which can sometimes be detrimental and leave them with these fraudulent charges.

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